Dear Pookie,
Today you are six years old. I'd thought I'd reflect on how these six years have formed both of us....
2003: You announced your impending arrival at 3 am.
2009: You still rise at the crack of dawn, despite my threats and pleas to sleep in.
2003: You came out with a head of dark wavy hair
2009: You have probably cut off more hair than most kids your age have been able to grow! It is thick,dark with blond highlights with a touch of wave. You hate getting it brushed or cut.
2003: I changed your bum multiple times a day...and you were constipated.
2009: You take care of your own bathroom business...and you are still constipated.
2003: I dressed you in whatever I wanted.
2009: You dress yourself and me sometimes.
2003: You babbled, I encouraged it and I thought it was wonderful.
2009: You talk nonstop, and though I often ask you to be quiet, I mostly think it is wonderful.
2003: You were an only child.
2009: You are a great big sister to Bear.
2003: You were a baby
2009: You love babies. You have a nurturing heart and a kind spirit.
2003: You came out heavy, tall and with a big head.
2009: You are skinny, tall and still have a big head (but you've grown into it!)
2003: You were perfect and beautiful and I instantly fell in love with you.
2009: You are perfect and beautiful and I love you more than you can imagine!
Love your MamaBear.
love the comparisons - happy 6th birthday!
Happy Birthday!! We're sorry not to spend it with you in person. Had a crazy day yesterday but hope to call you tonight after soccer.
Hope your day was awesome!!
Say hi to P and O for us!
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