Saturday, October 3, 2009

Birthday parties are the bane of my existence!

This week Pookie got invited to a birthday party of a girl from her former school. A girl that alternately was Pookie's good friend or tormentor. I debated all week about whether Pookie should go or not. Ultimately I left it up to Pookie and she wanted to go. After fighting about what kind of present to get this girl, I brought her to the party. The theme was a Make-up Party and the music blasting was Lady Gaga...not so age appropriate I thought. But, I left her there, praying that she would have fun.

Here is what I returned too:

Suffice it to say, she had a great time and I was horrified!

1 comment:

Cakes said...

I know the exact scenario you are talking about. We lived it this summer with Jellybean. *sigh*