Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One of THOSE days...

Yesterday was one of those days where I wonder why God allowed me to be a mother.  The girls are sick and it was raining for the hundredth day in a row.  So I decided to keep Pookie home from preschool, because we don't need to share the blessing of the 'cold'. (if only other people felt that way, then we would not have had the cold in the first place!) But,I digress.  So, our house is a wreck because of the month of repairs, so we started to tidy up, laundry etc and things were going well.  My first hint that the day was going awry was when Bear burst into tears about...ummm...nothing!  Both girls had stayed awake in their beds until almost 11pm the night before and woke up at 7am.  Sweet.  Then Pookie started up with the bossy big sister routine, which consists of "Do it my way or nothing!"  Bear is pretty good to a point, then she figures out that it is NOT FAIR and bursts into tears again.  All this before 10am.  It pretty much was the longest day of my life.  It ended with Pookie in a 2 2/12 hour timeout in her bedroom for her own safety.  Poor Papabear came home to a crazy wife, a stubborn Pookie in her bedroom and a relieved Bear who was just looking for some love.  
Thankfully we ended the day with some "I'm sorrys and I love yous"  There is something incredibly humbling about the way kids so easily show grace.  Don't get me wrong, Pookie was pretty mad at me.  Madder and more firmly entrenched than I've ever seen her.  But at the end of the day, she needed/wanted me to help her with dinner, tuck her into bed and kiss good night.  Getting into power struggles with a 4 year old sucks.  Ending the day with love and kisses is amazing.  And I'm thankful that God is using these times to teach both of us.


Niki said...

THOSE days! Man, I hate THOSE days! Hard to feel like a good mom after one of those days!

Hope the days following have been better! Much better! And though I know you are not a "huggy person", a big hug for you! :) I can't help it! I understand too well how these days can get you down!

Praying the renos are done soon so you can at least have that off your plate and can use your house normally again!

Nadia said...

Thanks Niki! Renos are done in terms of having strange men in my house all the time. We still need to repaint and a couple of things...but at least we can do it when it works for us.

Niki said...

Yay! Not really into having strange men in the house!

Cakes said...

ugh! Those are the worst days. Glad it ended well, though.