Monday, February 16, 2009

Time to catch up.

Current situation:
Monday ---dinner time
Sitting in living room after spending the whole day holding a vomiting child
Pookie & Hubby at Chuck E Cheese
Bear sleeping on the couch, puke bucket close by
Me, a bit of a headache and a sweatshirt that smells of barf breath.

So, let's play catch up for the last couple of weeks:
Started a new job as a research assistant
Hubby started a night time paper route in addition to his new 40 hour job
Pookie had a bit of a medical scare with some bruising, tests at the Children's Hospital. (all is well thankfully!)
I turned 35
I played in my alumni high school basketball tourney that same weekend
Hubby bought a scooter which he commutes to work on

I'm sure that there is more, but I am too wiped to think about it.  From what I hear, this flu goes through a family fast.  Good times.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That is quite a whirlwind! Hope you are all on the mend now! I'm interested in hearing more about your new job sometime. Sounds interesting!

Miss you guys, Lisa