Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm hoping for superpowers....

For months I've been waiting for a specialist's appointment to find out why my body sometimes feels 37 and sometimes feels 87. Granted, I haven't had a pain free day since I tore my Achilles tendon (5 years ago), but the pain has upped its game these last 2 years. If ibuprofen came in bulk, I be a happy girl.

Any way, I had my appointment on Tuesday. The doctor poked and prodded, asked questions, and poked and prodded some more. Then looked at me and said, 'we need to talk'..and then he paused and looked down into my file. For like 2 minutes! Honestly, I thought he was going to tell me that I was dying. Or crazy. Cause I'm not quite sure which is worse. Finally he looked at me and told me that he wanted extensive bloodwork done and a bone scan. The scan involves injecting radioactive goop into me (my words, not his!) and having the goop adhere to my bones so that I can be scanned head to toe looking for 'abnormalities'.

So, I headed off to get blood drawn and prepared myself to wait another few months for the scan. Then my phone rang an hour later. It was the doctor's office informing me that I'd been bumped to the top of the list and that I was to go in Thursday (today) for the scan. As I hung up, I wasn't sure if I should marvel at the efficiency of my doctor or be scared out of my mind that I've been booked in so quickly. I've gone back and forth between the two in these last 48 hours.
Then I made the tactical error of googling bone scan. Sheer stupidity on my part since it just made it worse. Curse you internets!

So, I've gotten my shot already, which I consider a major victory since just as I walked into the clinic, there was a woman violently throwing up from her test. My tech assured me that it wouldn't happen to me and it hasn't. Yet. In an hour I go for the scan which involves lying still for an hour.

In trying to look at the bright side of things (cause we all know I excel at that), I am hoping for superpowers due to radiaiton exposure...kinda like the Incredible Hulk, or Spider man or the Fantastic Four....(knowledge obtained through Google, yet again. This time for the good.)

I'll keep you posted!


ACJ said...

Oh Dr. Google...

Well, one day down. May the waiting days be few.

And yay you for not puking. Maybe that will be your long-term superpower.

Nadia said...

Actually, I'm going to post about my superpower tomorrow.

Tracy said...

As an ex-nucmed-tech I'm still waiting for my superpowers. I think the only superpowers I have are ones given to me by my five. BTW it's not 'goop', its Tc99m MDP :) I pray for good results my friend.

Nadia said...

Tracy, you know fertility is your superpower! Or the fact that you are super mom...something both ACJ and I envy!

Niki said...

Curse you Internets is right! Andy is addicted to googling potential ailments and it is NO GOOD! Just makes you go crazy!

Praying the results are good. Sorry we weren't able to do Thursday! I was really looking forward to some girl time! :( Please blog again (or call) so we can hear the rest of this story!