Monday, April 25, 2011

Superpowers, Part Deux

First off, I need to say that I don't know the results of the scan. When I'll eventually know.

The scan was relatively easy since I am not claustrophobic. At one point the machine was about a centimetre from my nose for about 4 minutes. Of course my nose was itching unbearably during that time, but you need to stay still for the entirety of the scan...45 min! It was pretty cool to watch my skeleton light up on screen. Until they noticed I was watching and turned it so that I couldn't see. ( I should have brought my friend T who used to be a Nuc-Med Tech till she used her superpower of fertility to create 5 cute kids!)

As I was getting ready to leave I noticed a sign that said that if you were planning on traveling within a week of the scan, you needed to get a letter from the technician. So I asked the tech why I would need a letter. She informed me that I would most likely set off the radiation detectors at the airport and the letter gets me through. Well crap. I already have that know, the "you've been randomly selected, let me put my hand down your pants to make sure you are not a terrorist" power. I use it all the time when I'm traveling...just to make the experience a bit more fun. The last thing I need is to have that power ENHANCED!!! (just as an aside, another side effect I noticed was massive bruising on parts of my body. I'm pretty sure I haven't been beaten with a baseball bat or run into I'm thinking it might be some sort of reaction??!!?? I'm sure as hell NOT googling it though.)

Anyways, I'm going east of the Rockies on Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

JD said...

"super power of fertility" LOL!!- you are so clever with words