Thursday, December 1, 2011

Parent teacher meetings & Advent day4

Last night we had our parent/teacher conference meetings at the girls' school. Suffice it to say that our girls have 2 very different learning styles and that is reflected in their respective report cards. ****Edited out of respect for all involved..
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In Advent news, yesterday's activity was 'Play board games'. However when I got home, the girls had compiled a list(I'm not kidding here) of 22 games for us to play. Since we only had approximately 37 minutes to make dinner, eat and get to the conference, I asked the girls for their top 3. It was a unanimous decision: Hide and Seek. I thought this was hilarious since we have maybe 6 hiding spots in our new 'littler' digs, but I was IT and off we went. And it was great! We played before dinner and after we got home from the meetings. The second time was in the dark which involved a lot of screaming. So grateful for these two who remind us that play is good.


Niki said...

So glad you are making awesome family memories. We started tonight with marshmallows in the fireplace.

What a stinky night with your Pookie's teacher. Hard to believe that she didn't remember one thing good to say about your amazing, smart, helpful, creative daughter. I wonder if she just got going on the negative and forgot that parents (and children) need to hear their the ways they are gifted and doing well. Hoping that the way she teaches and deals with Pookie on a day to day basis is not in any way like your interview tonight.

I was actually reading a blog of a guy I went to high school with. He is a principal now, and reading your blog post reminds me of a few I liked reading on his:

julie anna said...

So sorry to hear about Pookie's conference. It's a good reminder to all your teacher friends to start and end with the good.

And, if you can find a way to do it gently, I would mention it to Pookie's teacher. Granted, I don't know this woman or how she might react, but I think there is a good chance she doesn't even realize what she did. If she doesn't, I think a wake up call is in order.

Also, I just want to encourage your Advent blogging streak! Keep it up!

ACJ said...

I forgot you were blogging! And here is all this yuck! (And awesome - hide and seek is awesome and makes me feel like a shit parent because I hate it so much, but I'm going to try harder next time... see? you inspire people).

But for the teacher, one thing to consider is remembering that she's a person, not just The Teacher. And if a person hurt your feelings and you wanted a relationship with that person, you would make time and space to say so. Like, "Hey, the last time we spoke, I left feeling really discouraged about my daughter. I wondered if you had anything encouraging you could pass along?" Truth can be awesome sometimes. And if she says no, and starts in again about how your girl sucks, then you get to say "This really hurts me" and walk away.

I wonder if I would do that. Because I bet it's the right thing to do. I'm just a pansy usually.

Nadia said...

Thanks for all the comments! I will be chatting with her again because I know that my daughter loves her as a teacher. I think the combination of seeing the report card and hearing all the negative made me despair for the next 10 years of schooling with Pookie. And I just needed to hear the good.

I'll keep you all posted!