Saturday, December 24, 2011

A special delivery and Candlelight service

After sleeping by the tree last night, we had an early morning wake up call. Friends of ours had suggested we join them in delivering food hampers in our village. So armed with coffee, donuts and Christmas tunes we headed over to the loading place. There was a line up a mile long of cars filled with people willing to give up Christmas Eve morning to deliver food in the pouring rain. We got our 4 loads of 2 boxes each and headed over to a low income seniors' complex to bring our boxes. Each of our ladies were super thankful for their boxes, but we got a bit of a shock when one lady opened the door naked! She welcomed us in, but I told her that we could wait while she put some clothes on. Then we had a lovely chat.

After spending some time with my family, we headed off to church for the Candlelight service. The masterpiece of the night was a huge floating pool that was created to float the candles. So fun to watch people come and place their candles as an act of worship. Some floated a little too close to the edge, so I took pictures and kept the candles from setting things on fire.

Merry Christmas!

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