Thursday, March 22, 2012

Narrowing my parenting focus...

Nothing like spending extensive time with your children to make you realize what is really important in this parenting gig. I've decided to set the bar lower for myself and focus on 3 things that I want for my kids. I chose three because they seem do-able and when it all boiled down to how much energy I have for these wonderful, wild creatures, three seemed about it!

1. I want them to Love God:

I want my girls to have a vibrant, fierce faith and love for God. I don't care how that looks like, whether it is in tattoos of the creation story on their body, living in a convent or just living day to day in the world. I want them to have a faith that is their own, rich and beautiful and meaningful. (of course, if I had a preference, it would be that they do not become ultra conservative right wing fundamentalists...but that's just me!)

2. I want them to be loving and kind people:

I want them to be the sort of women that are kind and loving to all sorts of people regardless of race, gender, socio-economic status and sexuality. But right now I'd settle for them to be loving and kind to each other!

3. I want them to chew food and gum with their mouths closed.

Literally my biggest pet peeve is hearing other people chew food. Seems dumb, I know....I've been told, but my six year old still struggles with this. My life would be 100% better if she would do this one thing.

On the upside, once she does, my parenting focus slims down to 2 items!

There you go. My new 3-fold parenting strategy:
Teach my girls to love God, to love others and to chew with their mouths closed.


kelly ens said...

Parenting indeed can be overwhelming. I like your three goals (including the chewing with mouths closed!).

Nadia said...

Yes! Although the 'being kind to your sister' part is brutal right now!

Juli said...

I love you!!

The Adventures Ashley said...

like it!