Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Why blog???

I've debated for quite a while whether or not to blog. I wondered at my motivation...to vent? to amuse? to entertain? to be cool? Ultimately to came down to this: I think it would be fun. If folks read it, great. If not, that's fine too. So here I go.

I'm a 30 something mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister and pastor. For the most part, I'm spending the bulk of my time with my two daughters, Pookie and Bear. They are four and two. And yes, I am using pseudonyms. And yes, they are weird. And no, I don't care. I may or may not post pictures of them, they are awfully cute. However, I do think not everyone needs to know their names. The Internet is fun and amusing, but also dark and scary and I don't want to suddenly find my kids' pictures somewhere else. (anyone else read about the Flickr stealing thing?) Anyways...

This blog is really for my thoughts and ramblings on motherhood. I'm sure at times you will wonder if I actually do like being a mother. (for the record, yes i do.) I love my kids fiercely, but they can also drive me straight to CrazyTown!

In the end, I'm just making it up as I go along!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Your choice of names is hilarious. Pookie is what my girls have always called their little (not os little anymore I guess) brother.