Sunday, December 30, 2007

The odd year

I have many quirks.  I realize that and I embrace it.  I don't like seeing or hearing people eat or chew gum.  Or the sound of nail clipping.  Or bits of stuff in my butter.  But the one quirk that people (read, my family) enjoy bugging me about is my need for evenness.  I don't like uneven things.  For example, I'll eat 2 cookies, not 3, or 4 pieces of candy, not 3 or 5.  Papabear especially loves to take one piece of my treat, just to see me get upset.  When we got married, I casually commented that I didn't like odd years, they just weren't ever good.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Until I had Pookie and Bear in 2003 and 2005, I really hated odd years.  Then I thought the curse of the odd year was broken...until this year.  2007 was not a great year for me.  I won't bore you with details, but it sucked.  So, as I look forward to 2008, I have several prayers and hopes for the new year.
  • To develop a good spiritual rhythm for me and my family
  • To practice the virtues of patience and grace
  • To encourage the youth I work with to become passionate about God
  • To work toward a more fit and healthier body
  • Read more, TV less.
I think this are attainable things.  I'm not a big fan of "resolutions" cause I am hopeless at keeping them and just set myself up for failure.  So, if you want to keep me accountable...feel free!

Happy New Year!

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