Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All things pink.

This past week I had to go to the podiatrist to check out why it feels like I'm walking on nails constantly. After a fascinating conversation about how flat my feet are and the imminent danger of my Achilles tendons breaking again, the doctor gave me 2 things to do:

Get x rays of my freakishly flat feet
Get a pair of crocs

Crocs! I've avoided these ugly shoes for so long! I just got very cool slippers from my mil and now I'm doomed to plod around the house in foam shoes. So this weekend we were off to find crocs. Of course it is a bit early in the season to find them. Finally at one store I saw a few and it was at this point that I realized that I'm doomed on so many levels. Let me explain.

Up until the year 2003 I had a hate on for the color pink. I have never worn the color by choice and had started a "I hate pink" club with some other women. Then I had Pookie. At my first baby shower at a church that sponsored us as missionaries, I received 40 gifts of clothes. 39 of them were pink. I had never known that so many variations of pink existed! From barely pink, to peachy pink to hot pink. It was horrible! Of course we all know now that Pookie's favorite color is pink, despite my best intentions.

Now when I wear anything pink or remotely in that neighbourhood, Pookie is ecstatic! It literally makes her day. I now own several pink-like shirts and hoodies. The real problem is that my girls both look good in pretty much every color under the sun and even non-colors like black. Pink is a color that happens to look amazing on both girls, so it is hard to not have them in pink often.

Back to the I walked up to the shelf, I soon realized that the only colors in my size were purple and of The two favorite colors of the girls. Since they were on massive clearance, I ended up getting both pairs for $14 total. (they are no name brand, real crocs coming soon!)

The morale of the story? I will wear one pink and one purple croc like shoes for my daughters because it makes them happy. Or as Bear put it, "You look like a real mom now with pink and purple shoes."

Thanks kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bear you are a girl after my heart. mil