Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An update.

I've been working on a blog post about downward mobility, but Hubby gently suggested that perhaps I needed to provide an update on the ongoing saga of my here goes.

The bone scan came back "unremarkable".(This was the message from the receptionist) Which basically means no cancer, no obvious signs of joint degeneration etc. Good news I think, but it brings us back to square one in terms of figuring out what is wrong. It hearkens back to our infertility struggle when we were given the diagnosis of "unexplainable infertility". This is like "unexplainable joint pain". Frick! I wish my body would "woman up" and owe a diagnosis for once! But, apparently there is something wonky with my blood work. So I'm back in for more tests this Friday afternoon.

For me, I'm almost at the point where I don't care about an official diagnosis, but more about pain management. On a good day, I run about a 1.5 or 2 on the pain scale. The pain needs to hit about a 7 before I take anything to take the edge off. The best ever pain scale poster I've seen was on Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half. (which you should be reading. all the time.)

Here is a normal doctor office pain scale:

Here is Allie's version:

Seems about right to me.

So there you go. Pretty unsatisfying eh?


ACJ said...

Okay, you are checking for RA, right? Friend had to fight hard for diagnosis - I guess it's a wonky one. If you need any more diagnoses, just ask. My next guess is chronic sin.

Also, please get cracking on downward mobility post. I am planning on it inspiring a really great post for me in turn. said...

Well good. Or not. Bleh. I need to see if Hyperbole and a Half has a stress scale. That's my issue.

Peace to your body.

Nadia said...

@ACJ, they are checking for RA but who knows? It is probably chronic which case I'm completely f@#$ed. And thanks for the pressure on the downward's not like I've been agonizing over it already or anything! Actually I'm really just trying to be able to articulate it in such a way that it is not preachy, but an accurate way of how we as a family are being called to live.

@ Gal, I think this pain scale could also be a stress scale..especially with young kids such as ours!

Hannah said...

My first experience with The Scale has been back pain in the past year or so. Thankfully I'm usually a two or three. So sorry you going to seven+ with no explanation forthcoming.

But Allie's chart is awesome.