Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm back....

And I bet you didn't even know I was gone. Yep, I'm a jet setter. Dashing off to hot spots like Edmonton and Calgary for the day. Next month...Winnipeg for the weekend! Whoo and Hoo!

I am beginning to realize something about these "day" trips to other provinces. It's hard. Yes, it's cool to stroll through the airport, coffee in hand, carry-on bag in the other, whisking through check in, sitting down and perusing the paper at my leisure. Just worrying about myself getting on board and buckling just one seat belt. Riding in taxis from one meeting to another. Having my job pay for everything from coffee to dinner....wait a minute...where was I??? Oh yes. The hard part. Here it is:

It is exhausting! Because Pookie and Bear tend to need me a lot, I try to do a massive amount in a very short time so that they can either wake up with me there or have me tuck them in. Take my trip to Edmonton yesterday. I woke up at 4:30 AM. Showered, dressed and ate a banana. Realized that I forgot to buy ground beef for dinner like I promised my mother. (who was watching the girls at our house that afternoon). So, off I went at 4:55 AM to our local 24 hour grocery store, which, of course, did not have any ground beef in stock. Came home, got the stroller out of the van and into our house, and ate something else. By 5:30, I was headed to the airport, parked in long term parking (about a kilometer from airport) and walked in. Took a 7 am flight to Edmonton that sat on the tarmac for 1/2 hour then informed us that they were taking us to Calgary instead. Edmonton had too much fog. At the very last moment in the air, Edmonton's fog lifted and we landed. It was a little bumpy and I think the coffee and juice I consumed, along with pretzels was not such a good idea. I was running late, so I jumped into a cab. My driver was, um, enthusiastic in his driving. He also have 4 brand new 'vanilla' trees and the heat cranked. Needless to say, it didn't help the coffe/juice/pretzel thing going on in my stomach. Arrived at my first meeting at 10:30, a little green. Had to leave meeting 1/2 way through for bathroom break. Very smooth. Made it through first meeting by noon. Then got a ride to the other side of Edmonton, into Skid Row. Dropped off 45 min early. Decided to walk and find lunch in hopes that my head and stomach would settle. Had to walk 35 mins into the city to find food. In -20 degree sunshine. Had excellent meeting with inner city ministry and a guy from a camp. Got a ride to airport from camp guy, who circled in the city for 20 min before finding his way out to the airport. 3pm at airport. Bought girls a caramel/smartie apple. Crashed for 1 hour on bench. Woke up to find my morning meeting guy sitting across from me headed to Vancouver. Ate chicken noodle soup. Sat in emergency exit row with a nice guy a seat away. 10 sec before the flight was ready to take off, a man about 5' 4" demanded to sit in the middle seat because he needed the leg room. He then proceeded to take both armrests. Sweet. 6:30pm, arrive in Vancouver. Decide to offer morning meeting guy a ride to his hotel room. Home at 7:15pm to hug, kiss and tuck my girls in. 8:30pm in bed.

Here are the things I learned:
  • I need to get more than 5 hours sleep
  • Buy ground beef the day before
  • I pack better for my kids than for myself. I had no gloves or hat in -20 degree weather
  • Short men may have issues
  • It is always good to offer rides to colleagues, especially when they out rank you
  • It is so important to be home in time to kiss my girls and tell them that I love them


Cakes said...

Phew! What a whirlwind!

Niki said...

Wow, what a whirlwind! You are on busy momma, Nadia! No wonder we never see you guys!

Nadia said...

I know, it is crazy! The things you do for your kids!