Friday, March 7, 2008

Bad wife moment...or two...

Today was one of those days where I just needed to duct tape my mouth shut. Hubby and I haven't seen each other a whole lot because he is working crazy long hours and I'm jetting off here and there, plus wrangling the girls. So this morning, we had 10 minutes together and for about 9 1/2 minutes we were at odds over how I was disciplining Bear. Granted, I probably wasn't handling the situation as well as I could have...but the kid had just head butted me and I was a tad grumpy about it. So, instead of a loving goodbye, I heard the door close, ummm, forcefully. Then, since its Friday, its swimming with Daddy day for the girls. So the minute he gets home, the girls are up and ready to go. He doesn't really get a break. However, since I was in fine form, I managed to piss him off again over something that is really none of my business. (His work stuff)

So here I sit, blogging this because it seems to be the best option instead of wallowing in guilt. I think these kinds of days happen when we don't have that time together to debrief. So I try to cram it all in the few minutes we have and it comes out all wrong. Ugh! I'm preparing myself for an awkward conversation after youth group tonight. I'd phone him now, but I'm pretty sure he will see my number on call display and not pick up.

I don't blame him. I wouldn't pick up either.

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