Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Open Door

Every Wednesday morning for the past 3 years, I've gone to the Open Door. It is a ministry for single moms that offers licensed care for babies and preschoolers, coffee, free clothes, bible studies and a great lunch. But it offers so much more than offers a community where moms can come and share their struggles with kids, work and relationships. And almost every time I leave the church, I am thankful that I have a husband who loves me and his girls. Because I am often counting down the minutes until Hubby walks through the door and gives me "a break". More so when the girls were both in diapers, but still even now! I can't imagine going day after day without a break. Without someone to share the load of life with kids. That is what these moms do, day after day.

This January I was handed the reins to the program. The woman who started it 18 years ago got very sick and was unable to continue. In desperation, they asked me to take it on. Suckers. Any way, this morning I noticed that one of our regulars has been MIA for several weeks. So I gave her a call this morning and encouraged her to come. (for those of you who know me, this was a big step due to my phone phobia!) Olga is a Russian immigrant who is on disability and suffers from depression. She can be very difficult to be with and often asks for help but then doesn't listen. I taught on a Thomas Merton prayer that has been very meaningful to me for a long time and it sparked an amazing time of sharing, bonding and prayer. Olga actually left with a smile on her face. But the best part was how the other moms really came alongside her and encouraged her. Most of the moms who come to our program actually don't have preschool kids, their kids are in school. It is the feeling of community and belonging that keeps them coming. The sense that there are other women willing to hear their stories, give encouragement and to speak God's word. For most of the moms, this is their church.

It is my prayer that more moms find us. That they are able to let go of any 'fear' of church and come in to find a community. It is my prayer that we are a place that extends the welcome of Jesus and the welcome of the single mom. And it is my prayer that I continue to learn from our moms.

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