Saturday, March 8, 2008

Books, books and more books

We've hit a new stage in Bear's development. The one that makes us go to the library every - single - day. Initially, I was ecstatic at my daughter's desire to read. Actually, I'm still loving the fact that the girls want to read, but there is a point where I just want them to figure it out or to be happy looking at the pretty pictures! I am a reader, Hubby is not. But he was worried that our kids wouldn't be good readers or even want to read. No worries on that front big guy...our girls love to read. Often the same book, over and over and over....

I am definitely rediscovering some of my old favorites like the Hungry Caterpillar and Mr Pine's purple house. A good friend directed me to the funniest kid (but really meant for grown ups) books featuring a pigeon with an attitude. There is a series of books written by Laura Numeroff " if you give..." Another favorite author is Robert Munsch. Seriously, it fun to read these books, even if Bear and Pookie wander off.

Got any favorites?


shawna said...

the pigeon books are the best-- we had one at work and we got my boss to get a few more (the pigeon ones are some of the few books i don't mind reading over and over to the kids)

Anonymous said...

the pigeon books are great (mo willem), but the scaredy squirrel books are really funny too! i just found them at kidsbooks. there is also another author who writes about a kid losing her bunny (the people at the store would know) and it is pretty darn funny.
who knew kids' books would be so entertaining!?!