Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello? Anyone home?

I'm pretty sure I blinked and June and July were gone...

Sorry friends ( all 2 of you who read this blog!) I have been remiss. Absent. Gone. Have I mentioned that I am sorry?

OK, here is the deal. June was what I like to call, " Single parent - Oh my gosh, I can't do this" month. That was the month Hubby moved to his island and only came back on weekends. Yeah, much respect to the mothers who do this full time. I am not that good of a person, I need Hubby...otherwise the 'crazy mama' switch flips in my brain! July has been the "could I travel for work any more?" month where I was gone 17 days out of 23! Then promptly came back and spoke at the single moms camp on Hubby's island. Both these months also included the stress of our apartment NOT selling, a monstrous amount of painting and trying to figure how I'm going to move all our stuff! Ah, life...gotta love it.

On the bright side, the girls are thriving at Hubby's camp. We have a 'super' nanny who loves them along with the staff of the camp. We had 3 birthday parties for Pookie who is now 5,( which needs to be a whole another post) a visit from Hubby's parents and a bit of time with my parents. I think I'm still married to Hubby, we just don't see each other much. However, when we do hang out, we like each other!

Please be patient with me, I now live on a island that lacks the Internet. I will try and be better in August. Now, off to finish painting the new place!


Anonymous said...

welcome back I have missed you.M.V.

kelly ens said...

WOW. i don't know how you did it. Seriously.
Glad to read a new blog post again :)

Cakes said...

whoa mama! I could not do the single parent thing. My kids would mutiny and tie me up.

Can't wait to hear more from you!

Niki said...

Glad you are back! Knew how crazy life was for you! Praying for you still as you survive August. And hopefully we'll get to hang out some in Sept!

Give your girlies a hug from the Frews!