Sunday, January 18, 2009

A thousand questions

Part of moving to the 'burbs was changing churches.  We've gone from an urban, edgy, social justice, contemplative church to a church that is slight conservative, but pretty mainstream.  There are good folk at this church who have made our family feel very welcome.  The children's ministry is great and my girls love LOVE going there.  
This morning, along with the sermon, we watched this clip "A thousand questions".  The challenge from the pulpit was to watch and reflect.  It was very moving to me and stirred something within my soul.  As I prepared to spend some quiet time reflecting, the lights came up in the sanctuary and people jumped up and began to chat, make lunch plans etc.  (What I'm about to share is not meant to criticize the people of the church, but more of a recognition of what I need in my own spirit.)  

For me, to see the shift made so quickly from 'reflection'  to life was very disheartening. Maybe, it is just me.  Perhaps because I am naturally introspective, things like this tend to shift me into a place of reflection easily.  I just wonder if the use of multi-media in church is wasted.  If it doesn't draw people into a deeper place, what is the point? I think part of the problem is that we need to led into reflection.  We are not a reflective generation.  We are a sound bite generation.  We are afraid of silence, afraid of stillness.  We need to be entertained otherwise we go elsewhere.  I don't envy pastors.  There is a tremendous pressure to keep people in the pews and attract more.  

I just wonder...if there was a new face in the pew today.  Someone who was deeply moved by the clip and then faced with "the shift".  What do they think of church?  Of Christians?

Of course, like I said to Hubby, I need to be kept off my high horse.  I am not a better person because I took time to reflect.  Just the opposite. I think because I finally made space for God, I was blessed this morning in church.  I'm not sure why I don't do that more often....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a powerful video. I think the church people's reaction was a typical "that doesn't affect me" departmentalization and off they go with life. For me, I've seen the clip lots, and each time it moves me to tears and to action.