Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A wordsmith for a friend

I have a friend whose gift with words is quite amazing. Our connection started off a bit bumpy all those years ago in the ghetto when I was a lowly intern and she was a rockstar in ministry. However, I knew that I was making inroads when I gained the coveted invitation to her house to watch E.R. each Wednesday night. Having gone separate paths for years, we reconnected via the interwebs a couple of years ago. Lo and behold we had shared similar trying times in having tiny humans and in the realization that perhaps this parenting gig that we were so desperate for was actually the hardest thing we have ever done.

ACJ has written many posts that I have resonated with, but HERE is one you should read. (and read the one she comments on in the post). The crazy beauty of it all is the words of her mother...the gift of writing clearly genetic in her family.


neighbourhood.gal said...

A lovely post - thanks for the link to her blog. Here is my favourite quote from another of her posts...

"And as often happens, [he] wondered about why we believe in a God that can't do better than suffering. And by 'we', well of course, that means me, since I do faith for our family the way he does car care and the recycling."

That's a very reassuring statement. Just knowing that faith often falls into the labour that is delineated within a household. I feel less weird.

Nadia said...

She is both wise and brutally honest. I like that in a friend and writer.