Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Lower Body Injury

Apparently I am prone to freak injuries. The 2 freakiest sport injuries one can receive are a ruptured Achilles tendon (2007) and groin pulls (yesterday)

Can I just say that a groin pull ranks right up there with giving birth??? Holy Mother, when my foot slipped out from under me at a basketball game yesterday, the pain was instantaneous. A white hot, burning ripping pain. In an area that you never want pain.

By the time I got home, the pain was making me want to vomit. I called my doctor's office to see if I could get it assessed. Why I did this is beyond me. I'm all for the Canadian medical system, but you cannot see your doctor unless you book weeks ahead of time...which for a person like me, who only ever goes when I AM SICK OR HURT, the system is completely useless. Hubby suggested I go to the ER, but I was reluctant. I really didn't want to go, sit in a waiting room for hours, only to have an ER Doc (which would probably be a man) poking and prodding around my lady parts, only to tell me that I pulled my groin.

So, it is ice, copious amount of Ibuprofen, rest and very careful application of muscle relaxation creams. Very careful.

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