Sunday, May 30, 2010


I am going to tell you a secret....I have always wanted a tattoo. Not super scandalous or exciting, I know. However, I grew up in a family that is opposed to tattoos. Not just mildly opposed, banished from the family opposed. My sister got a tattoo one unfortunate night and hid it from my parents for years until 2 days before my wedding. The only reason that our family didn't implode was because of my wedding. My sister is now half way through treatments for tattoo removal.

See the dilemma? Hubby is not in favour of tattoos, but at least recognizes that it is my body and I should be able to do what I want. And I have known for several years what I want and I want it in a place that is not highly visible to 95% of the people in my life.

But at the fair today I got an airbrushed tattoo...on my wrist. And I love it! And I found out that one of my dearest friend also wants a tattoo....

Hmmm...that would make a fun girl's night out!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm... maybe I should have started with an airbrushed tattoo as well. Hmmmmmm... T.

Megan and Erik said...

Erik says you are too old ;)

Nadia said...

Ouch...that hurts!

Anonymous said...

When you're in your mid-thirties your true beauty begins to show. That's when you know who you are and where you're going (or where your tattoo is going). lol. T.