Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Travelling mercies

Tomorrow the girls and I head back east sans Hubby. Just me and 2 kids. And just me. with 2 kids. On my own.


Early in our marriage, Hubby and I decided that if at all possible, we would not spend nights apart. We had several friends who, because of work, often spent lots of time apart with one partner travelling; and we didn't want that for us. But then about 3 years ago both Hubby and I took jobs that called for travel. Hubby lived on an island and I jetted off around the West. At one point, I only saw my family 3 out of 7 days for 2 1/2 months. Needless to say it was incredibly hard on the girls and on our marriage. (A situation that we have remedied thankfully)

But there was one another side effect to the separation and travelling, a near constant nightmare...a super vivid image of something happening to Hubby and the girls that would leave me alone in this world without them. Often I would/will wake up from this dream so certain that something had happened to them that I would need to call or text Hubby to reassure myself.

So every time we part, I ask for travelling mercies. Not for me (the usual travelling partner), but on the family I leave behind. This time, I am asking for multi-layered mercies:
  • For me to be a patient, kind mother to my 2 very excited girls
  • For my in-laws who are driving in to get us from the airport
  • For Hubby who is staying behind to work

1 comment:

ACJ said...

I'm going to ask Jesus to send you one of those FEAR NOT! angels who can hang out with you for the next few weeks. And maybe send your girls one of the CHILL OUT! ones...