Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Sunday of Advent

Advent, a season of waiting and anticipation. A journey to Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Christ Child.

Advent Lighting Liturgy ~ written by friends at GCBC

One: Why do we light one candle?
All: This light reminds us to listen for the voice of the One who brings us hope.

One: Why do we light two candles?
All: The light of the second candle reminds us to listen for the voice of the One who brings us peace.

One: Why do we light three candles?
All: The light of the third candle reminds us to listen for the voice of the One who brings us joy.

One: Why do light four candles?
All: The light of the fourth candle reminds us to listen for the voice of the One who brings us love.


april johnson said...

nadia, will you keep posting?! or, message me... been scouring the web for *good* advent resources, and been striking out. can't strike out with good ol' GCBC! :-)

Nadia said...

Sure April, what are you looking for? Stuff to do with Tres? Or to teach on? I was thinking of doing a little Advent reflection at the bottom of each post...or maybe on my other blog? Will keep you posted.

april johnson said...

well, I guess both... Want to start family advent traditions at home, but also in our church. I did a lesson on hope for the kids at children's church this sun. (one room, wide age range. 2-10ish.), and when I was telling richard about it, he was excited & wants to incorporate the celebration of advent with the adults.. but isn't familiar with it. So I was doing lots of googling & just not coming up with anything... Not sure exactly what I was looking for, just know that I didn't find it! I will be tuned in to your posts for further word. :-)