Monday, November 29, 2010

My Formerly Hot Life

This book is making me laugh out loud! I've only read about 6 chapters this afternoon, but I have laughed so hard, tears rolled down my face. I think what makes it so funny is that the author is just 7 years older than I am and has seven year old twins, so our lives are similar. Except that she lives in New York and is a successful, published author....otherwise we are exactly the same!

There is just something so satisfying about reading another woman's journey through body image, motherhood, marriage, work, pop culture and relevance in this world.

You should read it. As long as you don't get offended by the odd curse word.


ACJ said...

Will I hate her for stealing my material? Or will we be inspired to get serious about our writing group?

Nadia said...

I totally think we should a version of this for women of faith that is corny and horrible! I won't lie, you could totally write something like this.

Lisa said...

Bring it to Ontario if you remember!

Nadia said...

Can't. It is a library book, but you should order it!