Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am a firm believer in propaganda, especially in parenting. We have a few standard spiels that we feed the girls whenever we can:

1. The Christmas season DOES NOT start the day after Halloween. It starts with Advent.
~Now the girls heave great sighs of dissappointment when they see Christmas lights up and Christmas displays at Starbucks. The best is when Pookie yells at a house, "Why do you have Christmas lights on! It is not Advent yet!!!"

2. Your mother is beautiful and brilliant. (I am partial to this one, especially when Hubby is the one drilling it into their brains)
~Last week when I had to take the girls to work with me, my boss complimented my work to the girls. Pookie looked up at him and said, "Of course I know that, my mom is beautiful and brilliant." It was awesome.

3. Your parents are the coolest people you will ever know.
~We reinforce this whenever possible. When possible, we get other people to say it to them too. So far, so good.

There are a couple more, mostly around how to live life, but you get the idea. As you can tell, we take our jobs of raising these two lovely little girls very seriously. And finally we are seeing the fruits of our labours.


ACJ said...

Propaganda? This just seems like smart parenting.

Nadia said...

These were just the "blog appropriate" propaganda notes. There are some like, "Santa is a big fat phoney" and others that may raise the ire of many.

Propaganda. It is pretty much why one has children.