Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I might need to fire our nanny...

Yeah. Right. As if.


It was pretty amusing to catch our Super Duper Totally Perfect Person Who Loves Our Daughters totally blowing it.

She sent Bear to school without her water bottle two days in a row, forcing Bear to lament the fact that she had to drink out of the water tap! Then this morning, JD woke up with her alarm, checked on the girls, put the kettle on and then decided to lie down for a couple of minutes. At 7:50am, Bear went up to JD's room and asked, 'Do we have to go to school today?' JD had 30 minutes to dress and feed the girls, make their lunches and do the 8 minute walk to school.

Apparently they made it, but it was really great to be able to give JD a hard time....she got me back though. During a visit to the mall this evening, she made me put on skinny jeans. It wasn't pretty.

Now we are even.


JD said...

everybody, she looked damn fine in them skinny jeans! fo reals!

julie anna said...

JD, I LOVE that that's the only part of this post that you wanted to comment on!

Nadia said...

I know right?