Friday, April 23, 2010

Family Pizza Night

Tonight we made homemade pizza with our family and good family friends. I tried two recipes, one with my bread maker and one by hand. Both turned out OK, but if I was just doing it for my family I'd probably cheat and use the bread maker.

We had salami, roasted chicken, bacon, red onions and colored was great. Our friend Chanelle took care of the bacon and caramelized onions, while Julie graciously listened to the wild and wacky stories from the girls. Everyone created their masterpiece and ate until they burst...then we had some homemade ice cream.

My indoctrination of my family continues....making dinner + friends = awesome time...So what if it takes longer???? Made from scratch food is just more fun. Too bad we ran out of time to try and make our own mozzarella cheese. Another time!

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