Monday, April 5, 2010

A new favorite food

It is always interesting to get kids to try new foods. We are fairly lucky with the girls in that they eat tons of fruit and veggies, most meat and rice and pasta. But every once in a while we hit a wall with them, such as this night which you can read about here...

So tonight I didn't hold out high hopes for a new veggie I was trying, Edamame. I had only really made enough for me, but convinced the girls to try one. Here's the comments...


This is weird..but good... No! It is amazing! I want more! I WANT ALL OF YOURS!

This is on my top list of favorite things in the world! Well, no, first is God, then a puppy...then these! I love them!


Mom, can I have these in my lunch next year for school? I like them. I want more. NOW!

Go figure. When I told the girls it was fairly healthy for them, they thought it could be their new bedtime snack.

Kids. You can never quite figure them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We LOVE edamame beans. YUM!!! Haven't had them for a while, though. Good idea. T.