Friday, June 11, 2010

Future dreams

I had a short conversation with a woman whose neighbours sold their house and travelled the world for a year with their pre teen kids. This woman was commenting on how confident and secure the kids seemed after such a trip with their parents.

I was really interested in hearing the story because that has been on my bucket list(another post) and mine and Hubby's dream for a while now. When the girls get old enough to carry a backpack, to rid ourselves of our stuff and travel the world.

We have been fortunate enough to befriend lots of different folks who now either live in exotic places and/or are doing ministry in these places. And now there are so many opportunities to volunteer while travelling that you could really serve, learn and experience so much. There are eco-christian farms in Europe that practise community living and sustainable farming, sites in Africa to help rescue elephants and just the whole experience of seeing museums and different cultures as a family seems irresistible to me.

Some one said to me today that they wished they could be that brave. Just sell the house, keep the minimum in storage and go, but they lacked the courage to do so. I cling to the fact that Hubby and I are restless souls. I think we would do that. And I think our family would be better for it.


kelly ens said...

it certainly would not surprise me if you guys ever announced that you were going to sell your place and go travel with the girls :)

ACJ said...

It would be so brave and so good. I hope you do it and blog and write all the time. But blog now too about moving toward the moment: assuming that it will happen, until you are shown otherwise, I hope you will write about how Life is bringing you to the place and time where this will be possible. What are you watching for? How will plan your route? What will a successful adventure look like? Write, write, write...

Philippa said...

It's surprising what is possible. My hubby's parents sold everything and went on a 2-year sailing trip from Canada down through to Australia and New Zealand (with many stops along the way) when he was 10. He did correspondence school (and finished each year in about 4 months). When you realize the "norm" doesn't have to be, and that kids are resilient, curious and playful, it is totally possible to let go...

Nadia said...

I am dreaming...and making my kids wear their weight in backpacks to train them...Just kidding.

Thanks for your words friends!