Thursday, June 17, 2010

Things you do for love.

I love my husband and we get so little time together, so when he suggested a movie date night I agreed...provided he found a babysitter. It wasn't looking good at 6:30 pm and we had pretty much given up hope when the phone rang.

And we were off, to the movie Hubby so desperately wanted to see: The A - Team. I wasn't holding out high hopes for it...but I was wrong. Wrong in the sense that the movie was a perfect blend of laugh out loud funny and action. Just easy to watch and fun.

So Hubby was right about the movie. And I'm thankful we got this little date night.


Diana said...

It really was a good movie .. totally laugh-out-loud and action-packed, but you really should have stayed for the credits. :)

Nadia said...

Hey...don't rub it in! We didn't want to take advantage of your daughter's good nature!