Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I am a tortured soul. So many things cause angst within me...one of these things is shopping at Big Box stores. And this week I've been to two, Walmart and Costco. In my defense, the Walmart trip was more of a "get out of the house" trip with a friend. (Come to think of it, it was the same friend who wants to get a tattoo...she is leading me down a dangerous path!!)

Bear and I went to Costco to pick up a few things. Pretty much one of my favourite things to do is people watch and the Costco parking lot is a prime view for this activity. Bear and I got there before our friends, so we sat in the van. Bear played and I watched folks go in and out of the store.

My philosophy around Costco is to only go if I need at least $100 worth of stuff, otherwise I shop locally or I wait till my list gets bigger. I watched a man walk out with 1 jar of spaghetti sauce. 1 jar! I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense to me. Really? You couldn't go to your local grocery to pick that up??!?? Another lady had a gutter cleaner and Tampax and still others had overflowing carts.

We stuck to food today and managed to make it out with our bank account intact. But a little bit of me loathes the fact that I even went.


Megan and Erik said...

You and Erik really are opposites! He loves it there! And our bank account shows it...he goes for three things and comes out with twenty!

Nadia said...

Meg, I keep waiting for you to post on your blog! As for being opposite to Erik...totally...but I am still young enough to get a tattoo!

Anonymous said...

Okay... you think it wasn't the best Costco trip today because there were five kids tagging along?!? Thanks for helping me get through my list. Do they do tattoos at Costco??? T.

Nadia said...

Actually, I think the best part was having the 5 kids!