Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's like my lower back is playing freeze tag.

Do you remember playing freeze tag as a kid? And once in a while there was one kid so efficient at being "It" that they would freeze every single player? So now the game is at a standstill because no one can move.

That's my lower back right now.

Apparently all the muscles in my lower back are frozen in spasm. Which is why I couldn't sleep, put on socks and have trouble in the bathroom. Finally I decided that maybe I should get it checked out. When the doctor asked if Advil had been working, I told him that if it had, I wouldn't be here. So, he prescribed the big guns of muscle relaxant and pain relief.

I've just taken I thought I should blog before my body turns to mush!


Megan said...

I hope you get some relief soon. The muscle relaxers are your friends!

Juli said...

Go see my chiropractor. Had the same thing in May and he SAVED me.