Friday, June 4, 2010

Mom jeans

Since spring/summer is taking it's own sweet time appearing this year and all my "warm" clothes are still firmly ensconced in my closet; I decided I needed another pair of jeans. A nice pair, a pair that is flattering and doesn't scream "mom" when you wear them.

Lucky for me, I took one of my fashion experts with me. She preferred the slightly less dark jeans that fit closely, but not skinny fit. (We both agreed that skinny fit was just not going to work for me). We had a minor disagreement over some sunglasses, but we ended up happy with some aviator style with purple tint glass.

What am I going to do when she goes to full time kindergarten next year?


kelly ens said...

nice! :)

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! I did notice your new sunglasses yesterday... I liked them. Sometimes there's no better shopping companion than one of your kids. They're honest & they'll love you no matter what you wear. T.