Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moving to Ontario...

We just had a lovely week with my MIL from Ontario. She comes for each of the girls' birthday and often in the spring. I think she comes in the spring to enjoy our flowers and cherry blossoms cause they still have snow back east!

The girls and I dropped Oma off at the airport today and on the ride back they planned our move to Ontario. Turns out that they really only need Mommy, Daddy and their they are ready to go tomorrow. Seriously. They would. I asked how they would feel about leaving their friends, school, church and grandparents. They said it was fine and that my parents would just move with us. (which they might, my mom for sure!) Pookie informed me that they would have FAMILY in Ontario and FAMILY is the only thing she needed. And a dog, she needs a dog. Bear was just enthusiastically agreeing with everything. I said that it was a long drive to Ontario and we would need to tow Lionel behind us so we could sleep in him. "Then we need a dog for sure, to guard us" said my darling Pookie. "Yes, we could call him Guardy" said Bear. And on and on they went.

Obviously our teachings around the importance of family is sinking in with the girls. But being 4 and 6 means that they are romanticizing what would actually happen if we moved. Right now when we visit Ontario, everyone comes over to see us and to hang out. In real life, that would not happen. We would need to make new friends and see our family on Sundays after church. We would not hang out all together all the time. I have a teenage niece and nephew who will not think it is cool to hang out with their little cousins...and another niece and nephew that have busy lives as well.

I just think it is interesting that they would abandon all they know here for Ontario. They must be restless like their parents! Although they did say that they only wanted to move to Ontario...not a random place...

Interesting...very interesting...

1 comment:

ACJ said...

Kids this age really are okay with just their parents. I'm pretty sure that developmentally that's probably just the truth. The tricky part is figuring out if parents are okay with just their kids...