Friday, March 19, 2010

My favourite blogs

I really like to read different blogs. Most are other mothers, all are better writers with more interesting stuff to read. Plus, they are all making a ton of money. I am not. But that's OK, it is fun anyway!

Dooce: Do not read this blog if you are easily offended. Dooce is Heather Armstrong, an ex-Mormon and very funny/dirty writer. She got fired from her 'real' job because of blogging about it...thus creating her very own verb, "to get dooced"

Finslippy: Alice Bradley, New York based writer. Also very funny and articulate writer.

Suburban Bliss: Melissa Summers, mother of two. Shares a lot about her struggles of motherhood and just getting her kids to eat. I like her.

And my absolute, must read blog is Pioneer Woman. A L.A. chick married to a cattle rancher in Oklahoma, raising 4 kids and homeschooling. Ree is hilarious, loves to take pictures of everything and cook a lot. If I only could read one blog, this would be it.

Try them out. Or not. Whatever...just thought I'd share.

***Just click on the name of each blog***


kelly ens said...

thanks for sharing these - i love reading dooce too :) i've heard about finslippy but haven't read it. will definitely check them all out!

Nadia said...

Ah, finslippy. One of my first forays into mommy bloggers. Do check out Pioneer woman. She takes great pics, posts helpful hints and often gives away cooking and camera stuff!