Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Things that make you say "Uh Oh"...

Today after dropping the girls off at school, I had to head to the hospital for a bunch of tests. (I'm not talking about those right now. Maybe later)

The first series had me waiting in a long and freezing cold hallway. As I waited, several patients were wheeled down and left in front of me. Mostly very elderly ladies who seemed confused by the whole process. One woman started shivering in front of me and saying that she was no one in particular. Finally I asked her if I could rearrange her blankets for her. Thankfully someone came and got her for her test. After my test I moseyed over for the next one which involved blood work.

I'm not a huge fan of giving blood. Mostly because I have wimpy veins. I remember during the birth of Bear when everything was moving too fast and they couldn't get an IV in. Let's just say that it was an ugly painful process. Unlike Hubby who has veins that a blind person could get a needle into.

So imagine my joy when the nurse told me that a student would be 'practising' on me. She then asked me if I fainted easily. Awesome.

So the student came over and nervously started prepping me for the blood work. She started working on my right arm, which never has good sites. However, I just let her do her thing...unless I noticed her hands were shaking. Then she got all the vials she needed, 6 in total. I joked to the supervising nurse that seemed like a lot of serious tests. She looked at me with a totally straight face and agreed. Very comforting!

The student finally figured out that the right arm was not going to work and started prepping my left arm. As she got the needle ready I started looking around to distract myself from the fact that she was shaky and about to stick me with a needle. I ended up glancing at her lab coat and saw a familiar label...Grey's Anatomy.

I am a big Grey's fan. Actually one of my best parenting tricks comes from a Grey's episode.(that's another post). However, I'm not really sure I want real medical folks wearing a TV show's medical gear. Let's just say that this student really wasn't inspiring confidence in me.

Thankfully right before she stuck me, the supervisor took over citing the high degree of difficulty that my veins were displaying. She got the needle in, but it hurt the whole time they were drawing blood, due to some sort of issue with the vein. 6 vials later, I was out of there and headed to Tim Hortons to break my fast with coffee and a bagel.

Suffice it to say that a cool Grey's Anatomy lab coat does not make you ready to take blood from a wimpy veined person!