Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Three. That is the number of jobs that Hubby is currently holding. Two during the day and the paper route at night. The poor man is so tired that he barely made it through dinner tonight. His dedication to supporting us as a family is so amazing. His sacrifice means that I get to be at home with the girls instead of having them in daycare. Every day I remind myself and the girls how lucky we are to having a hubby/daddy who would do that for us.

Three. It is a lot.


Megan and Erik said...

Jeff, you are the man. I am tired just thinking of all the jobs you do, including being a great dad and husband to your girls!

ACJ said...

Four jobs. Being a dad is a full-time gig, especially the way Jeff does it (I assume, based on your writing and what I know of Jeff). Four.