Sunday, July 11, 2010

Holland's World Cup

We decorated the house. Bought Dutch food snacks. Painted our fingers and toes. Hijacked my sister's flat screen tv. Ran out of church as soon as it was done. All for the soccer game today. Alas, our team lost, but it was a great day surrounded by family and friends, all cheering for a common purpose. Hup Holland!

We went to our village market after the game still dressed in our orange. We created quite a stir and heard many comments!

The girls sporting the Oranje

Me and Sara during our half time hair painting fun!

My brave mother in law going under the spray gun...

Most of Team Oranje...(5 adults missing from picture)


Tracy said...

That's awesome. Tell Jeff's mom that I'm very impressed!!! Did I mention that Germany got the bronze?!?

kelly ens said...

awesome :)
sad they lost though :(