Friday, July 30, 2010

Deep Theological Thought.


Tracy said...

Last month a friend from Iowa posted Gungor's song "Beautiful Things." I like his music & his lyrics. Thanks for sharing.

julie anna said...


Interesting, though, that while God is not a white man, everyone else in this video is. Well, except for terrorists and communists.

Also, "atheists and terrorists, communists and lesbians" is kind of a fun list!

Nadia said...

I know! And even though God is not a white man, the chorus keeps referring to him as 'he'.

My guess is that this is targeted to the "right/republicans" of America who need a bit of shaking up.

Nadia said...

Here is the comment from the friend who sent me the link. She is much wiser than I:

Here's a few of my thoughts: the band is doing a valid theological movement called the "via negativa", or negative way. That is, one removes descriptors from God in order to discover God, the being who cannot really be described because all descriptors fall short of God's reality. But then they DO give descriptors to God, namely "love" and "good." The problem is that these two terms aren't defined - what do they mean by good and love? For one person love includes punishment, for another it is an acceptance of anything goes.
One of the signs of love that they seem to emphasize is turning one's attention away from suffering (don't pay attention to an earthquake, say yippee for hippopotami!). I doubt the band really encourages turning a blind eye to suffering and injustice to be happy-clappy that God loves us, but it does come across this way.
And yet, again, I like the tune and the heart behind it. It just left me unsatisfied, even though I, too, do believe that God is love.

Tracy said...

Wow... I'm impressed by other's depth of thought. I take the song for what it is and appreciate it all the same. Don't get me wrong... I still really enjoy reading other's deep theological thought. Maybe it's because I haven't been educated in all things theological. Again, don't get me wrong, there are many times I wish I had gone to seminary. Wow... that was deep for me!!! LOL