Monday, July 26, 2010

The first big harvest & my day with Gimpy and Pukey.

Due to life craziness, I haven't been able to get to my garden for a while. I optimistically took a big basket and snuck out for an hour today. I came home with 15 lbs of potatoes, 30+ onions, a handful of garlic, handful of purple peacock beans and 1 carrot. (not sure what is going on with the carrot crop)

Digging out potatoes and onions is a bit like treasure hunting. You just never know if you got all of them, but when 1 little seed potato produces 1 1/2 of potatoes, it is a miracle to me.

Today was quite the day in our household. Bear, aka Pukey, showed up this morning in our bed around 4am. She promptly christened our bed with the driest vomit ever. There was literally no fluid in it and my heart sank. Bear had spent most of the afternoon playing in the park on a slip and slide and though we had fed her, we had forgotten to monitor her fluid intake. Which meant, she had no fluid. Heat/sunstroke. Awesome.

So I dragged down a TV to our bottom floor and pulled a foamy mattress into the living room. Bear and I spent the whole day there, plugging in Disney movie after Disney movie, interspersing vomit sessions and naps.

Gimpy, aka Pookie, spent the morning selling lemonade for Childrens' Hospital, but spent the afternoon watching movies with us. Her broken big toe is cramping her style and testing my nerves with the constant complaining. She broke it at a friend's house when she was playing in a treehouse and a trapdoor shut on her toe. Since no one was with her, it took a while for Hubby to realize the problem and save her. We thought that it was no big deal initially, but when she started going into shock on the drive home, we called Oma and headed to the ER. They decided that it was probably broken and there wasn't much we could do...except to drill holes into her nail to relieve the pressure.

Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than holding down your child, at midnight, in an ER and having a doctor drill HOLES into a broken toe. I think the begging that Pookie did was the worst. "Please don't let him hurt me!" "Take me home Mom" And the screaming. Oh the screaming. By the time we got home, Bear was sleeping my bed and I was reduced to sleeping on the floor beside Pookie's bed to soothe her every time she hit her toe in her sleep. Luckily she is now able to walk on her heel and the whining...well, that's going to be around for a while.


kelly ens said...

oh, poor girls! poor momma :(

Lisa said...

Oh, no!! What a terrible way to end a fun day! Hope they are both on the mend soon!

Niki said...

Oh dear! That is a lot to deal with!! Hope both are on the mend now!!

Jay said...

Ugh! I remember she was so upset and it was breaking our hearts, I can't imagine when they had to do the holes. So sorry you had to go through all of that. :(