Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bob the second.

My hubby has 3 siblings, Momma's boy, Bob Jr and Mini Bob...2 brothers and a sister. Suffice it to say that Hubby's dad, Bob has a strong personality that 3 of his offspring have inherited.

Now before I get in some serious hot water with my in laws, a few disclaimers:

~Momma's boy aka the oldest brother: He gets this name simply because he is the only one that takes after Hubby's mom. He is the kindest, gentlest man I know. He is also freakishly strong and will act like a fierce man if someone insults his family. I know this from personal experience when one of the extended family made an unkind comment about me while Hubby and I were engaged. Momma's boy almost took his head off and in that moment I realize how fully embraced I was by Hubby's family. I love this man.

~I love people who work with their hands. There is something to be said about folks who can created something out of nothing. Nothing I write here about tradespeople should be taken as disparaging.

~ I have nothing against the consumption of alcohol...unless you are addicted. Then I have a problem. (and no one in this story is anywhere near addicted)

Intrigued? OK, here's the story.

Remember a couple of posts back when I talked about Hubby's 3 jobs? Well the newest job is a job working with a construction crew. So Hubby goes from coaching kids in a mostly female environment in the morning to an all male construction crew for the afternoon. There is much swinging of hammers, manly talk and sweat. The first day Hubby came home from this new job, he was carrying a box of beer. And before I knew it, he'd cracked one open and crashed on the couch. I regarded him for a minute then burst out laughing. In that minute my husband had morphed into Bob the second...the mirror image of his father, Bob the first.

After I finished laughing, I told Hubby my reason for laughing. He looked at me, his beer and back at me and groaned...He tried to deny it, but it was impossible. He did what I'd seen his father do countless times in the past. Because up till this point Hubby had been primarily a social drinker, the occasionally beer and glass of wine. We have never stored much alcohol in the house, mostly because I don't like the taste of it (despite trying many, many combinations) and because we really didn't choose to drink all that much.

I think the most embarrassing part of all this for Hubby is the fact that I'd been telling him for years that he was turning into his father.

The good news is that Hubby's father is a good man. A man who loves God and his family. A man who works hard to provide for them. And I'm totally OK with being married to Bob the second...he is a good man too.


Quiet Monster said...

This still has me giggling! Although momma's boy is like his mom...Bob has surfaced nearly every day over the years as well (always at the same time-after work and right after supper). Momma's boy comes home every day from his sweaty excavating job, covered in some strange looking dirt--and does the exact same beer-cracking ritual! Bob is there after supper as well; I find him lying on the floor with his legs up on the couch or on a chair. Have you seen Bob there as well?

I wonder if that happens to Bob Jr and Mini Bob? Welcome to Bob's fan club (or support group) you said, he is a good man, so we tease him with love!

How is Pookie's toe?

Lisa said...

Sounds like a whole lotta backpedaling and cya'ing going on... :) We're giggling here, too! Hope hubby is liking his new job!

Nadia said...

These guys are their father for sure. The real question is whether or not Kathy is like that too!