Saturday, July 31, 2010

A little celebration

Last night was Hubby's last night of papers. So, fittingly, it was the night where the presses broke down and Hubby went out, not once, but twice to see if they were there. They didn't arrive until nearly 6 am, so Hubby did his papers and then went straight into an eight hour shift at work.

As great as it would have been to sneak away for a couple of nights, family obligations keep us here. So tonight we kept it simple. A box of our favorite candy each and the DVD, Avatar, cuddled on the couch. Our little celebration.

I've missed that.


the family j said...

nice!! We watched avatar last night too. That's practically a double-date. ;-)

Nadia said...

Totally! I felt like we were the last people who hadn't seen it. What did you think? We watched Avatar one night, then Angels and Demons the next. 2 very good, but different movies!