Saturday, July 10, 2010

My beautiful niece.

This is my almost eleven year old niece, Sara. She is visiting with us for 9 days along with my in laws. My in laws have a tradition of bringing a niece or nephew when they turn eleven out to BC to visit with us. Because we often don't see our nieces and nephews for 2 years at a time, the change in them is pretty astonishing. Plus the fact that they don't know us well, there is often a couple of days of adjustment and shyness. Sara is over that now and is giving us grief just like our own girls. It is awesome.

As you can see, she is quite beautiful...but she is also very funny and quirky and is amazing with her young cousins. She plays with them for hours, reads to them and they idolize her. Too bad I can't keep her.

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