Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We have been really lucky in terms of childcare for the girls. They are primarily cared for by my mom and sister and people who have known them since birth like JD and others. (JD is moving in with us in the fall to help with the girls and we are all beyond excited!!!!).

But, now that I'm working more, we needed to hire others to help with childcare. Today we had a first timer with our girls. And she was lovely and I came home to happy girls and a smiling babysitter.

Then I found out why the girls were so happy. They had managed to convince the babysitter to get them Slurpee's (right after breakfast) and to take them to the local ice shop after lunch.(usually a special treat for special occasions!).

Those little sneaks! Somehow we failed to realize that:

A. Our daughters are smart and cute.
B. How incredible bold they are in asking for stuff
C. That we obviously didn't prepare our babysitter well enough with boundaries, having been used to the amazing JD and other fabulous adults that help with our kids.

The babysitter felt bad, but this really wasn't her fault. It is actually kinda funny. Of course the girls got a stern talking too, but Hubby and I definitely had a little laugh about the whole thing.

Lesson learned.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Those sneaky girls... never underestimate the power of persuasion... especially when it comes from two really cute girls!!!