Thursday, August 26, 2010

A realization

For the next 3 months, I've been lucky enough to be hired for a full time contract. It involves lots of computer work, phone calls, writing and researching. It is all good except for one thing. Every day I come home with a raging headache and sore neck and back muscles.

Apparently hunching over and staring at a computer is not so good for the body. Plus I'm a little worried about the potential size of my butt after all this time. The sad part is that I seem to remember mocking Hubby when he had a desk job. He would gain a significant amount of weight during the year and have horrible posture...then he'd lose all the weight over the summer while at camp.

So, I need a plan. A plan to keep my body functioning and my mind unfried.



ACJ said...

Either invite an ergonomics person to your work place (I understand UBC's OT dept will send someone gratis) to help you get desk/chair/mouse/keyboard set up right or at least look up best set-up online.

Next, park a good walk away to loosen up before settling in and to unwind on the way back. Walks at lunch of course help.

Check through the day to make sure your shoulders are down, shoulder blades drawn together.

For your wrists:,,zm2666,00.html

For your shoulders/back (my all-time favourite):

And then finally, just dropping your head forward, making sure your shoulders are also dropped and blades together and then moving your head back and forth the move the stretch gently from side to side.

Stop often, drink water, stretch and things will improve. Marginally.

Nadia said...

Wow! Put some thought into this or speaking from painful experience. Will implement next week with hope!

ACJ said...

Painful experience sadly. These help. No cure, but help.