Thursday, August 5, 2010

Snapshots of my commute today...

I'm going back to more full time work these next 3 months and part of that is a drive into the city. For the most part, I don't mind the drive because it is quiet and I can play whatever music I want. Plus there is the added factor of seeing interesting things on the are a few examples:

1. It is berry season in these parts, and the berry of choice right now are blueberries. There are signs everywhere encouraging you to buy these little nuggets of goodness. But the few signs I saw today were troubling. For Sale, Fresh Blueberry. Blueberry? Blue berry? As in just one blueberry is for sale? Is it a giant blueberry? Why just one? I happen to like eating blueberries by the handful, multiple times. Am I only allowed to buy one? And what is with the signmakers? These are all professionally printed signs. I think the sign printer has an obligation to point out the faulty wording. As in, 'Excuse me dear blueberry farmer, shouldn't this sign say Blueberries for sale?' But no, they just print the sign and the farmer sticks it in their field and I drive past and ponder these crazy things.

B. I followed 2 gentlemen in a convertible today. At every stoplight, they both rearranged their hair challenged heads. They would get their comb over back in place just in time for the light to turn green again. I wanted to pull up next to them and say, "Don't worry, just make sure you do it when you park!"

3.F. I don't wear makeup for several reasons, 1. I am lazy. 2. I don't know how. 3. I am lazy. So it always amazes me to watch a woman put make up on in a moving vehicle. She curled and painted and plucked all at one stop light. It was pretty impressive.

IV. Listening to slow songs on a muggy day at 4 pm is not a good idea...makes me sleepy...

It will be interesting to see if I love this commute in October still!

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