Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rainy day baking.

I've come to the point in my life where cooking and gardening magazines are appealing to me. And when I find an interesting article, I'm liable to rip it out...hence the stack of unorganized papers on my desk.

BUT, today was the day I put one of those recipes to use: Lemon Poppy Seed Sour Cream Loaf. The best part of this recipe was the first direction to blend sugar and lemon zest together. Massage them together so that the sugar becomes fragrant with the smell of lemon zest. Not only did the sugar taste and smell great, my hands were baby soft.

I'd forgotten that sugar can act as a natural exfoliant. Not so great if you want to think of your dead skin cells in the batter...but great if you ever want to exfoliate during a non baking time.

Skin cells aside, the mini muffins (easier for little mouths) are super tasty and will probably become a staple in this household.


ACJ said...

Recipe Please.

Nadia said...

Tracy said...

Thanks... I'm going to try the recipe, too. I have to get the dead skin cell image out of my head first!!!