Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dear Internet, I love you.

There are some days where I lament the disconnect between people due to technology.

Then, there are days like today where I love, love, love the Internet and all it gives me.

Here is a sample of what I looked at today:

Funny church signs (scroll down on the right)

Caught up on friends blogs.

Checked Facebook and connected with friends around the world

Planned a fun field trip for me and the girls

Checked work and personal emails

Researched a new phone

Read a fun magazine and considered submitting an article

And read a totally inappropriate joke that made me giggle all day.

It is a slippery slope, this Internet...but sometimes you just gotta enjoy the ride!


ACJ said...

Today I loved it too. And I love Geez magazine - put it in Denise's stocking last year. Those people are clever and the kind of writers I like to read.

That's all. Still likin' you in my internet travels. Likin' you a lot.

Nadia said...

Thanks ACJ. Should've included the "bullshooter" blog link!

Did you ever read the joke?

ACJ said...

I was too embarrassed to admit I didn't know where to find it!