Saturday, September 18, 2010

Car envy

Our days of car shopping are finally over. Thursday night, Hubby and Bear went out in the leaky Jetta and came back with a Dodge Dakota pickup. It is the ideal truck for Hubby and all his manly tools, it even has room for the girls in the back for the occasional ride. All is well.

Except for one thing. I have a tiny case of car envy.

The fact is that while Hubby is driving a fun, stick shift truck around, I am driving the 'soccer mom' mini van. A van I did not want to get for that very reason! I wanted a fun, SUV. But no, we decided to go for the 7 seater, which pretty much limited us to the mini van since we don't have $50K to drop on something else.

Don't get me wrong, the van is handy for hauling extra kids and friends around. But sometimes I want to roll down the windows and crank some inappropriate music...not so cool in a mom mini van.

The worst part was that Hubby spent a good portion of time today washing and waxing his truck. The van? It got a little spray down, no love at all.

The things you sacrifice for your family.

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